
nothing makes a girl fall in love like rescue from being tied up on a set of train tracks

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

no judgement july, and why the h*ll are we so polite to satan?!

i'm beginning an experiment today: "no judgement july".  i remember hearing this story of this woman who decided she was not going to look in a mirror for a whole year. she also got married during this year, and stuck to that, even for her wedding. the premise was how hung up we can become on our appearance and how it can fill our minds all day long, every day.

really though, when we look in the mirror, for the most part, our minds are not filled with self-praise and positive thoughts. it's more like "oh, look at those wrinkles. wow, i have a lot of grey showing. ugh, i wish i didn't have a double chin. i bet bangs would hide my five-head." and so on. what if we lived our lives as if none of those matter? proverbs 31 states: "charm is deceptive and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised". we as women constantly compare ourselves to photoshopped images, other women with completely different genetics than us, and hold ourselves to a standard set by an industry who tosses aside women past the age of 18 or early 20s. even the female models accepted to exemplify some fictional standard of beauty are photo-shopped by people's whose sole purpose is to eliminate any hint of a "flaw".  why are we comparing ourselves to essentially, non-existent women. or even women on the streets. if God wanted us to look like them, He would have created us to. for us to judge our appearance and wish to change it is to judge and question the craftsmanship and design set by the hands of God. i don't think that's something i want to do. we are His children. how would you feel if someone walked up to you and told you your child was ugly and you should make them lose weight, dress them in this style, get them a nose job, etc. i'd probably punch them in the face and say something really ugly back. i'd imagine God is pretty defensive over us to. He created us. He doesn't want us to question His hands or tell Him He could have done better.

which brings me to another point: why the h*ll are we so polite to satan. think of all the lies and ugliness he spills into our minds. if we were enjoying a piece of delicious dove dark chocolate and sea salt caramel when a stranger...or anyone, came up to us and told us we were too fat and we shouldn't be eating that, we'd probably go at least pg-13 on them. amiright? yet we allow the enemy to speak those heinous thoughts into our mind.

here's another scenario: what if we bought a cute new dress off zulily (my favorite!!!!) and were so excitedly and anxiously anticipating the arrival of it to wear on an upcoming special date night with our husband; and when the night finally came, we dressed in it, did our makeup--pressed powder an all (because, really, who has time for that on a daily basis!), and then went out to our favorite restaurant, feeling beautiful. but! some jerk sitting at a table as we walk by, yells out "mooooo!" or "shouldn't you have ordered a bigger size?", i'd imagine most of our husbands would soon have an assault charge filed against them, and a jerk would have a black eye...and busted nose...and lip. yet we allow satan to speak to us like this all the time! and we listen to him! we'd tell strangers to shut up, or use more harsh words, our husbands would probably knock them out, and we'd similarly defend our children, why are we so polite! we'd NEVER say to a stranger attacking our children "you're right" or our husbands to the moooo-ing jerk "i know, right man!", or to the person questioning our decision to eat dove dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel for lunch, "i know, i'm such a pig, right!". we're too polite to satan. i think it's time we tell him to shut the h*ll up.

mommas, we have the most beautiful role there is, and nothing can make us more beautiful than the act of loving our children (and husbands..sometimes i forget that part ;) ). nothing! no size, no toning or commitment to cross-fit, no small nose or perfectly soft hair. nothing except our love. stop being so polite to satan. and let's stop using mirrors to judge our beauty, and staring using our hearts to show our beauty which does not fade, and photoshopping cannot manipulate.

and, adoptive mommas, think of satan as the ultimate "troll", leaving anonymous comments: delete and move on. :)

to help myself move my focus from what the mirror tells me and to what the Word tells me, i'm avoiding mirrors like the plague for the month of july. no judgement july. and whenever a judgmental thought comes into my mind, "delete and move on"....after telling him to shut the h*ll up.

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