
nothing makes a girl fall in love like rescue from being tied up on a set of train tracks

Sunday, January 6, 2013

'til death

we are two weeks from the wedding. two weeks until we stand before God and our friends and family and make our vows to each other.

"If the ultimate meaning of marriage is to represent the unbreakable covenant-love between Christ and His church (Eph. 5:22-33), then no human being has a right to break a marriage covenant. When the impossible day comes that Christ breaks His vow, "I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20), then, on that day, a human being may break his marriage covenant." --john piper (this momentary marriage).

as we each near the point of exhaustion, we continue to find peace, comfort, and rest in each other's presence. there's days i just want to curl up next to him, and block the world out. even in his own exhaustion he is still gracious and loving. i read all these blogs written by wives and mothers who seem near perfect, and i sometimes become sad because i want him to have that "perfect" wife and mother to his children. i want him to be able to come home to an always spotless house and perfectly cooked meals and perfectly prim and proper wife, but i know reality is: that isn't going to happen. proverbs 31 does say that a wife should tend to her household and make light work for her husband, but in our pinterest generation, i believe we have began to grossly misinterpret what that means. our hearts should be what is kept clean and in prim and proper order first, because that's what all else flows from. 
proverbs 4:23 tells us this: "above ALL ELSE, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life". i am to guard what images, words, messages, etc that go into my heart. i must also guard my mind against these, my eyes, my ears--those are the passage ways to the heart. 

on a side note, there's nothing like a marriage, or entering into one to make you realize how truly selfish you really are. even in our exhaustion, stress, and sickness, we still seek how to best love each other. we work daily to grow to the place where no amount of stress, exhaustion, sickness, or trails lessen the love we have for each other. our love grows more through these things, because the love we have for Him grows more through the trails. we work daily so that our lives represent the never failing love He has for us. 

but first, i'm going to go over cook some french toast. :) 

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