
nothing makes a girl fall in love like rescue from being tied up on a set of train tracks

Saturday, February 2, 2013

we're hitched!


Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man seperate. --Mark 10:9

the day came and was gone, like a flash. it really is a surreal experience, and i am so thankful i had an amazing photographer, because the whole day is a blur. in a good way :)

i have indeed checked my fussy pants onto January 18th, guess it was the stress of it all. so thankful for the husband who was so gentle, kind, supportive, and understanding through it all.

i don't really have the same patience he does, which is surprising, because i work with small children for a living. it's easier for me to have patience with little ones than big people, i found this out in our joint traveling venture (honeymoon). there were moments snippiness arose in me, luckily he's forgiving and patient (as aforementioned).

i've always had this grand idea that i'd be the wife that cooks amazing food, keeps a lovely house, and is always june cleaver put our first week home, living together, i've cooked one meal: fish and rice (and we had that for leftovers another day), and i'm still not completely settled in and unpacked--i could be using this snowy saturday to do that, but i figured updating facebook with wedding pictures and updating my imperfect wife blog is more important. i'm sure he disagrees, but he'll be patient with me in the process of our home looking slightly like the beginning of someone from hoarders. :shudder: --actually NO! that thought is about to send me running downstairs.

we're also hosting friends over to eat food and watch neat commercials (otherwise known as a superbowl party) on sunday, and i've yet to find recipes for amazing wings and dips...i'll probably look them up sunday morning...hope nothing has to marinate overnight....
this whole wifey thing doesn't seem to come natural for me. there's nothing like marriage and living with someone to make you realize what a selfish nature you really do have. 

our plans to do a bible study together are slow to be realized. we have our own personal quiet times, but we've yet to be able to sit down together and do this quiet time together. we both know the importance of it, and agree it is the foundation of our lives together, yet, haven't made time. i don't really feel like i'm living out that whole wife lifting up her husband thing. i do send him encouragement text msgs via texts, and have identified several great books we can read together...and i really hope i can pull it together enough for it to happen soon. life gets in the way, schedules are busy, people are sick, working a lot and tired. none of those are excuses.  perhaps looking at our time as money/income, if we tithe 10% of our income, our time should be no different. i know this, but still fail at it--in our first week of marriage.

maybe list making is the solution? the solution to prevent our home from looking like it's on it's way to hoarders, to minimize my belongings (as two lives are one now, those lives need to be smaller!), and prioritizing for time's sake. our desire is to be buried deeply in the Word, identities in Christ, eyes focused on Him, marriage grounded on Him.

thankful for the husband who is gentle, patient, and understanding, and a God who is the same and never waivering.

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