
nothing makes a girl fall in love like rescue from being tied up on a set of train tracks

Saturday, March 9, 2013

more grace

every few weeks i choose a word/quality that i know i need to grow in, and focus on it. i tune into my day, my thoughts, and my actions, taking those thoughts captive (2 corinthians 10:5--We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.)

i tend to be a perfectionist, holding myself to a ridiculously high standard, and don't have much grace for myself when i fall short. while having a casual chat with my boss about some things going on, it became clear to me the source of why i feel so crushed when i (feel) i let someone down: i don't have grace for myself; and because i don't have grace for myself, i cannot accept grace from others...the paradox of this is that if i had grace for myself, i wouldn't need grace from others. if i knew that my identity was new, and that i was covered in redemption, i wouldn't perceive that my mistakes were impossible to recover from. i wouldn't believe that any stains accrued were permanent. the truth is, i have put off the old self, i have been renewed in the spirit of the mind, and my new self is created in the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness (ephesians 4:22-23). there are so many Godly women that inspire me, and the trap i allow my mind to fall into is that i am tarnished beyond repair in comparison to them. i have allowed my shortcomings to "outshine" the areas He as gifted me in-the areas He has called out in me to reach others.

more grace. more grace. more grace. 

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